Current group members

Group leader
Andrea received her PhD from ETH Zürich and went to IST Austria with a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship. She has been appointed as tenure track assistant Professor at University of Basel on 1st of October 2021.

PhD student
Eric completed his Bachelor and Master in Physics at University of Basel. He performed his Master's thesis in the group of Daniel Loss at University of Basel and started his PhD on 1st of December 2021.

Christian carried out his Master's studies at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. He moved on to the University of British Columbia to pursue a PhD. He has joined the group on 1st of March 2022 to strengthen our efforts on spin qubits in Ge.

PhD student
Vera studied Nanoscience at University of Basel and concluded the Master's program with a thesis carried out at EPFL. She started her PhD on 1st of March 2022.

PhD student
"Get a good pair of walking shoes and…fall in love." - Abbas
Luigi studied Physics in Pisa (BSc) and Bologna (MSc). He completed his Master's degree with an Ersmus exchange at the Sorbonne University and has joined the QED group as a PhD student on 1st of September 2022.

PhD Student
At IIT, Delhi, Nikunj did a Bachelor's in textile technology and a minor in theoretical and computational physics. He completed his Master's in Physics at the EPFL, and he carried out his Master's thesis at the University of Basel. He has joined our group on 1st of May 2023..

PhD student
Francesco carried out his BSc and MSc studies in Pisa and pursued reserach at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. He joined on 15th September 2023 as our first student working on bilayer graphene quantum dots.

PhD Student
Fabrizio studied Nanosciences at the University of Basel. He completed several reserach internships in various fields and joined our group's graphene team on 1st December 2023.

PhD Student
Patrick studied Physics at the University of Konstanz. His PhD research, which he started on 1st October 2024, focuses on scanning gate-induced quantum dots in germanium, a collaborative SNI project conducted jointly between our group and the Poggio group.

PhD Student
After finishing his MSc and BSc in Physics at the Unveristy of Pisa, Diego worked as a quantum engineer at Planckian. He has joined our group on 1st October 2024 working on a collaborative SNI project aimed at building qubits in bilayer quantum wells.
Giacomo Bolchi
Giacomo was our first Master's student and he worked in the group from 1st December 2021 until 16th July 2022. After finishing his studies with highest grades, he moved back to Milan to work as HW Design Junior Enigneer for MEMS in the R&D division of ST Microelectonics.